Thursday, April 15, 2010

I simply love my bestist ♥

Today is Thursday,I went for my class early in the morning and got home about 3pm.Dear fetch me...We both fool inside our car for about one hour then I received my old bestist message,she asked:"Wei!wanna go out to eat not?"Alright,since so long we didn't meet each other and that day she called me out but Cho Chia was back from UK,plus today I was so free although tomorrow I got my BKA exam,so I decided to go with her.She came to pick me up from my house,but I was still fooling with my dear until she reached,she shout as usual like how we talk last time..Wei!!faster la!!So long one you..But the first thing she saw me is not to send me a regard,is to said wow!!!you grown fatter and fatter..Alright!!I knew it!!That's our GANG!!Because I knew if one day this girl name TAY SU JIE said I slim,that's the time I got "TOTO" or maybe "MAGNUM",because it's an impossible she will say that to me.LMAO!!Then I asked dear to go home first and me and Jie came to my house,the weather is hot so of course I wanna bath before we go out.I was sweat like hell when I go to college.I bath and we talked in my house for about half an hour plus and she was online for that little moment.Then we started to plan our destination.

Firstly,we headed to Prangin Mall for doing nothing.At first we planned to have our lunch Tomyam in Prangin,but Lotte called and asked where are us,so after our coconut ice-cream,we go to Lotte's grandma's house which just behind our school primary to pick her up and headed to Sri Ananda.

When we nearly reached,I missed call her,waited for her about few minutes then she get into the car,next destination is Sri Ananda.That's because Su Jie said she does not know what to eat when she went there with friends and what kinda of food is nice,and she hate the menu there.I gave her some idea which is nice and which are not.

Lastly we ordered two cheese dosai and one roti telur.We have our food and some drinks,then headed to Paradise,dear's house.We talk and me and Lotte have some "MEETING" there,but Jie is not the one who addict with that "meeting".Then talk in the room,about 730pm,Jie fetch me home and I'm waiting dear to fetch me because I'm going to meet my another best--tist--Edward again with his Girlfriend although I did not knew his Girlfriend very well..

Going out soon!!!

Your Sincerely :
Mei Theng

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